Putting My Cutting Garden To Bed

2021 was a good growing year. We had a lot of rain in July but, overall, I was pleased with the first year of my cutting garden.

What worked really well this year:
Next year, I plan to repeat some of the textured foliage plants but incorporate more flowers into the mix. I will plant a ton of tulips in my raised beds this month, which will peak by late April-late May. After they’ve gone by, I can dig them up and plant new annuals in their place. 
My list of things to do in the next month:
  • dig up and compost all annuals
  • transplant any perennials out of the raised beds which are taking up valuable space
  • dig out any old roots or weeds
  • dig up and repot Eucalyptus plants in grow pots to store inside over the winter, transplant outside next spring
  • plant tulip bulbs in straight rows to maximize space, add Country Fare’s fresh 50/50 (loam and compost blend) over the top
  • prune Butterfly Bush by 1/3 and wrap with burlap to protect from wind and snow
  • lightly prune Hydrangea bush and leave tall grasses for winter interest


Holiday Flowers and Centerpieces


Thanksgiving Centerpieces