How To Condition Daffodils

Narcissus don’t necessarily play well with other flowers.

Narcissus flowers weep a slimy sap when cut. This sap can clog up the pores of other flowers when mixed together in an arrangement. 
Complete the following “conditioning” steps before mixing Narcissus with other cut flowers. 
Daffodil Care Brunswick Maine Florist
  • Give the stems a fresh cut at least ½ inch at a 45-degree angle
  • Place the freshly cut daffodils in their own clean vase of cool, shallow water (deep water will water log the stems, causing them to deteriorate quickly)
  • Use floral food for the best results
  • Condition the Daffodils for at least 6 hours before arranging them
  • Do not re-cut the stems after conditioning before you put them in the final arrangement or the sap will leak out again and harm the other flowers

  • Alternatively, after giving the daffodils a fresh cut (at a 45-degree angle for optimal water-drinking potential), burn the last inch of the cut stem all around for about 30 seconds, finishing by "cauterizing" the very tip of the flower stem. Place immediately in your water-filled vase.
    Cauterizing flower stems is a lesser-known secret that makes the most of daffodils and poppies. 

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