Featured Farm: Suncatcher Flower Farm

Suncatcher Flower Farm operates on leased land at Crystal Spring Farm in Brunswick, Maine

Picking up fresh flowers at a farm is the best way to start the day.

Flower fields, Brunswick, Maine

A field of flowers grown by Suncatcher Flower Farm

Maine grown Stock and Snapdragons, Brunswick, Maine

Stock and Snapdragons

Maine grown Stock, Brunswick, Maine

Olivia cuts Stock for me- can’t get any fresher than that!

One of the farms I support is Suncatcher Flower Farm in Brunswick, Maine. Krysten Powell leases a plot of land from Crystal Spring Farm on Pleasant Hill Road. Together with her assistant, Olivia, they grow beautiful and unique varieties of cut flowers throughout the growing season.
I met Krysten through Max Boudreau, who I gardened with way back in 2012 when we both worked for Lewis Brothers Landscaping. Max and his family own Winslow Farm in Falmouth, Maine and I would occasionally buy vegetables and annual plants at their roadside farm stand. A few years ago, I finally met Krysten, Max’s partner at the time, who grew flowers on Winslow Farm’s land. I was immediately excited about what she was growing and her passion for unique flowers and foliage. 
Last fall, Krysten decided to go out on her own and lease land at Crystal Spring Farm. This is their first year in Brunswick and I couldn’t be happier- not only are they close, but they grow some fantastic flowers! 
When you or someone you know purchases flowers from Celadon Floral, you are supporting farmers like Krysten…so, thank you!

Featured Farm: East of Eden Flower Farm


What’s Growing Locally in June